K. Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is a 1991 graduate (cum laude) of Georgia State University and a 1996 graduate (cum laude) of University of Georgia Law School.
Admitted to the Georgia Bar in 1996, he has spent his 20-year career dedicated to resolving family law cases in Savannah.
Paul is a respected community and statewide leader in the area of family law, a certified mediator, and a member of the Family Law Section of the Georgia State Bar (Chair 2010-2011), the Savannah Bar Association, and a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He is frequently invited to speak at conferences on family law issues, and he specializes in high asset dissolutions.
In addition to hundreds of bench and jury trials, Paul has thirteen reported appellate cases, has been quoted by the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, and has chaired the Electronic Worksheets Task Force for the State of Georgia Child Support Guidelines Commission.
Because of his cutting-edge approach, Paul has been named a Super Lawyer (Atlanta Magazine), a Legal Elite (Georgia Trend Magazine), and a Best Lawyer of America.